
Caleb Belanger
Last Updated: 1 month ago

The Schedules tool allows you to create and manage your Schedules.

Each Schedule represents the delivery settings for a specific course. A Course can have many Schedules.

From the Schedule Dashboard, you can view, edit, or delete your Schedules and view Enrollment Options.

Clicking Edit next to a particular Schedule will bring you to the Schedule Settings Page.

Schedule Settings Page:

Here you can choose the Course, Scheduling, and Sharing options for your Schedule.

Schedule Name:

A learner enrolls in a course through a schedule that governs the scheduled (days/times) messages will be sent. This is the name of the schedule for your new course. After your course is live, you can view this schedule in the Schedules tab of the platform. This name will be used in analytics and can help organize courses and a learner pool.


In the next section, you can choose the days and times your course will be delivered. You can also decide what to do if people are not engaging with your course content. You have two primary options, Basic and Custom Scheduling.

Basic Schedule:

Timezone: Select the Timezone for this distribution. The precedence order is user timezone > distribution timezone > organization timezone.

Cadence: Allow users to progress through the course at their own pace by choosing the Instant option, or choose Scheduled to select specific days for delivery.

Launch Date: Choose a day when the course will launch or leave blank to enroll users as soon as the Schedule is published.

Lesson Days: Simply click the days you want your course content to be sent, they will be highlighted in orange, and days in white will not be included. For example, if you only want course content sent on weekdays, click Monday through Friday so they are highlighted orange and leave Saturday and Sunday white.

Delivery Time: This sets the time window when messages can be sent. You can lengthen or shorten this time window as needed. Or you can simply deliver all messages at the same time each day.

  1. Deliver At - This will set a specific time that each lesson will be received on the days chosen. Learners will not be able to change the time. This option is good for when specific time frames or schedules must be adhered to.

  2. Deliver Between - This will provide a window of time that lessons can be delivered in. The first lesson will be sent at the start of this window and afterwards, learners will have the option to choose a preferred time slot within the hours given to adjust to their preference. This can also be a good way to ensure learners receive content during work hours or avoid times at which you may not want training to be sent.

  3. Deliver Anytime - This will allow lessons to be delivered at any time during the 24 hour window each day. This gives the greatest amount of flexibility for learners to choose preferred delivery times. However it is important to not that if this option is selected, learners will receive their first message at the time the schedule is published. (i.e. if you publish this at 11am EST, learners will be enrolled then and receive their lessons daily at that time unless they change it.)

Custom Schedule:

When To Deliver: A Custom Schedule gives you the option to select specific dates and times for the delivery of each lesson OR the option to have lessons delivered a specific amount of days after the previous lesson. For more information and a walk through of the features you can refer to this article: Using The Custom Scheduler.

Timezone: Select the Timezone for this distribution. The precedence order is user timezone > distribution timezone > organization timezone.

Other Settings:

Required Responses: Set a single time for each active day when messages will be sent to Learners. ****This will take priority over the time window option above.

Reminders: Friendly response reminders are sent to encourage learners to respond to their lesson engagement questions one hour after they have received them if there has been no response. These can be toggled on or off. For more information about these please refer to: Understanding Automated System Messages

Enrollment Options:

In this section, you can decide how you want to share your course with Learners.

Select Cohorts: The most common way is to select a cohort that you've imported which will allow you to enroll users in bulk. For more information on managing and creating cohorts, go to this article: Creating and Managing Cohorts

Enroll Individuals: Clicking this dropdown will allow you to search your list of learners for individuals and enroll them one by one. This can be useful for grabbing a few learners to test a course or if you need to add a couple of learners after the fact.

Share With Learners: Here you can also enable Learners to enroll in this Schedule themselves. Moving the Toggle to "Enabled" allows users to sign up for your course and become part of your Schedule group independently.

You also have the option to show or hide the Schedule in your course library. This is useful for sharing a suite of courses with your learners. You can also prioritize this specific enrollment which will move it to the top of the queue for all enrolled learners if they have previously scheduled enrollments waiting.

Preferred Delivery Method: If you have multiple delivery methods selected for this Schedule, you may select a preferred method which will attempt to send to the user on that platform. If it is unavailable for any learner, the next available method will be used. If only one delivery method was setup in the settings, then it will only deliver using that option.

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