April 2024 Releases

Kyle Tan
Last Updated: 4 months ago


April was full of big updates and exciting additions! A full breakdown of features released can be found here.

Key Releases:

  • Analyze multiple courses, cohorts, and schedules at once — get insights by aggregating data across different learning delivered over Arist.

  • Analytics: Engagement dashboard — View enrollment responses more easily, and track lesson-by-lesson engagement and pin-point where course drop-off is happening.

  • Better course management and and content library navigation — Easily host courses in folders, filter by course status or type or custom tags, star courses for personal view, and easily search to find course or folder quickly.

  • Scheduling constraints built in for WhatsApp courses —  Due to the 24-window limitation, we've removed scheduling capabilities for WhatsApp course delivery to ensure experience is okay. Cannot use the Custom Scheduler or deliver within a <5 hour time range.

  • Send learning to any employee in a workspace over Teams — With simpler installation method, customers are able to send learning to any employee in their teams (or a broad group) without needing to add the Bot to various Groups in Teams workspace.

Up Next:

  • Schedule Launch Dashboard to track enrollment delivery success post launch, and give users ability to take action

  • SMS Channels for customers to send courses out under Channels which are segmented by topic area (eg for Novartis, all courses for Comms vs Manager Training will send from different SMS numbers that have different contact card details.)

  • Relative Day scheduler to schedule lessons out under Custom Schedules around days versus specific times


  • June/July: Video Sending (files and embed), Sidekick 3.0 (details), new system message handling for common learner responses, Dynamic Cohorts

  • Aug/Sept: Send multiple courses over Slack and Teams,  Schedule tracking and Campaign management, Automations tracking view

  • Oct/Nov/Dec: New Analytics Insights Dashboard (with AI insights), easier course building/collaborating and pre-launch preview flow

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