April 2023 Releases

Kyle Tan
Last Updated: 4 months ago

Validation Errors and Smooth Editing in Course Builder

We have made several improvements to make course building easier and Sidekick AI courses easier to launch!

  • Admins can now paste or type over the character limit for Draft courses

  • Admins can no longer create Distributions for courses with validation errors

  • Sidekick courses must be checked and saved before Distributions can be made

  • Validation errors appear in course outline and on collapsed questions

  • Admins can now save courses with validation errors to edit later

  • Admins can now create new lessons without fixing any errors in previous lessons

  • Course cards display a message when a course has validation errors

  • Admins can click around the course builder even when a course has multiple validation errors

All of these improvements make for a much more user-friendly editing experience when working on courses! Draft away!

Database Efficiency, Deliverability, and In-App Help Messaging

We've included several updates to make our app more efficient and easier to use.

  • DB Improvements for Non-Active Enrollments

  • Enrolling in a Disabled Distribution has a way forward message

  • Queued Messages for Paused Enrollments no longer send

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