Responding to Course Questions

Kyle Tan
Last Updated: 4 months ago

Depending on how you set up your schedule and what type of schedule you use, Learners will have different time frames to answer their lessons before the next lesson is delivered. This document will guide you in understanding what behavior to expect based on your selections.

You have the option to Require Responses or make Responses Optional. This will affect how much time learners have to answer questions.

  1. If Responses are required, then learners will not progress to the next question or subsequent lesson until each has been answered. 

  2. If Responses are not required, then learners will have the opportunity to answer any unanswered questions up until 1 hour before the next lesson is expected to be sent. 

If required responses are turned on and a learner does not answer their questions from the previous lesson before the next scheduled delivery date, then the next lesson will be delivered once:

  1. They have answered all questions from the previous lesson.

  2. On the next scheduled delivery date following their successful completion of the previous lesson.

Basic Schedules

Basic schedules deliver lessons one at a time on a given cadence. A deep dive on Basic Schedules can be found here:


Some Examples of a Basic Schedule in use are below:

Basic, Instant

Learners progress through the content at their own pace. If responses are not required, they will have 24 hours to complete a lesson's questions before the next lesson is sent. If responses are required, the learner will not progress until all questions are answered. 

Basic, Scheduled Monday-Friday

This schedule will deliver one lesson and its associated follow up questions on each weekday, continuing to follow the cadence until the course is complete. Learners will have the ability to answer the previous lesson’s questions up until 1 hour before the next scheduled lesson.

Basic, Delivered at (time), Once per week

This would deliver a lesson on the selected day and time each week until the course is complete. If the course is set to deliver Lesson 1 on Monday at 9am, Learners will have until the following Monday at 8am to complete their lesson before the next is delivered.

If responses are required and the learner completes the questions for Lesson one after the scheduled time for Lesson 2, then it would be queued to send on the next available scheduled delivery day.

Custom Schedules

Using a custom schedule gives you greater granular control over specific days or times that lessons should be delivered. A deeper look at Custom Schedules can be found at the following links:

Using The Custom Scheduler
Using The Relative Day Scheduler

When using a custom schedule you will not have the option to require responses as the intended use of a custom schedule is to keep all learners on the same cadence.

Below are some use case examples: 

Custom, "select dates" with multiple days between lessons

This option allows training managers to schedule lessons to go out on unique dates and times. 

When using the ‘Select Dates’ Custom Schedule, learners can answer a lesson’s questions up until 1 hour before the next lesson is scheduled to be sent. 

Custom, “select days” with multiple days between lessons 

The first lesson will allow you to select a day of the week that you wish the first lesson to be delivered on and the following lessons can be set to be delivered a specified amount of days after each other concurrently. 

Custom, "select days" with only hours (or 1 hour) between lessons

The first lesson will have a specific launch date set and the following lessons can be set to be delivered on the same day or X amount of hours after each other concurrently. 

When setting lessons only hours apart on the same day, the ability for learners to answer each lesson’s questions will be available up to 15 minutes before the next lesson is expected to be sent.

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