A Guide for Reviewing Arist Creator-Powered Courses

Caleb Belanger
Last Updated: 1 month ago

πŸŽ‰ Congrats! You’re probably here because you now have your AI Generated Arist course (wahoo!). One of the important steps to take before launching your new course is to verify the information and questions created are accurate and consistent with your learning objectives.

🀩 Ready to get started? Let’s run through a quick checklist to ensure your course is ready to go!

The Checklist:


Best Practice


Lesson title

Ensure you give your lesson a clear and uniquely identifiable title

Lesson 1: Introduction to Active Listening

Media file

Ensure you upload a relevant and fun media file in each lesson to supplement learning, such as a gif, meme, or infographic



Ensure the content is aligned and relevant to the topic, and verify for contextual clarity and accuracy.

πŸ™‹ Welcome to Lesson 3! So far we have talked about the value of feedback, policies related to feedback (including different methods) and 10 steps to give effective feedback. ⏸️ Effective feedback starts with a framework. A feedback framework aims to set a transparent expectation of reviewing performance in the workplace.


Ensure each block of text is separated out on a new indented line. Rule of thumb: Aim to have each block of text be no more than 3 lines long. Exception = bulleted lists

Before: πŸ‘‚ Active listening is a type of communication style where one listens to the other person without judgement and with full attention. It involves understanding the feelings and needs of the person speaking and responding in an empathetic manner. It is an essential skill for any successful relationship, be it professional or personal.

After: πŸ‘‚ Active listening is a type of communication style where one listens to the other person without judgement and with full attention. πŸ’Ÿ It involves understanding the feelings and needs of the person speaking and responding in an empathetic manner. It is an essential skill for any successful relationship, be it professional or personal.


Ensure each new line starts with a fun, relevant emoji

πŸ‘‚ Active listening is a type of communication style where one listens to the other person without judgement and with full attention.

Key takeaway

Ensure the lesson has at least 1 key insight or takeaway

πŸ”‘ Active listening is an essential skill, and can help working professionals improve communication, strengthen relationships, and better solve problems.


Ensure content is grounded in specific context & relevant examples to learners. Ask yourself: Why should learners care about the lesson? How does the lesson apply to the learner and their job/role?

πŸ€” In this lesson, we will discuss the key components, benefits, and practical tips for implementing active listening in your life.

Character count

Ensure the lesson is complete and within 1200 characters.

Ensure the lesson is complete and within 1200 characters.


Ensure at least 2-3 questions aligned with course objectives, and check for accuracy: -Ensure at least 1 multiple choice (MC) and 1 free response (FR) -Ensure the MC question has 4 clear answer choices, and 1 selected correct answer

FR:❓Reply back: Describe a situation in which you have used active listening in the workplace. What was the outcome? Specify your response in 2-3 sentences.

Response to learner

Ensure each question has feedback that is within 800 characters. Space out blocks of text if it exceeds 3 lines

πŸ€— Great job! Active listening is an important skill to have in the workplace, and it's great that you have had the opportunity to practice it.

🀝 The outcome of using active listening in the workplace can be improved communication between colleagues, strengthened relationships with clients, better problem solving, and enhanced understanding between coworkers.

Supplemental link

Ensure you find a relevant link to an article, podcast, or other resource for learners to access at the end of their lesson as a way to supplement their learning

πŸ”— The University of Rochester put together exercises to practice your active listening skills: https://arist.link/qh5

Lesson conclusion

Ensure the last question and last response to learner alerts learners that the lesson is over

πŸŽ‰ That's the end of Lesson 1! Stay tuned for the next lesson.

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