How to add a Learner Sentiment Survey to Course Lessons

Caleb Belanger
Last Updated: 1 month ago

What is a Learner Sentiment Survey?

A single Learner Sentiment Question is sent to learners at the end of your course. It is a 0-10 scale question with a standardized format. Responses are used to gauge learner happiness with your course experience. The results can be viewed in Analytics as Sentiment.

The Sentiment is calculated by a simple average of all responses and surfaced as a Number with a single decimal place. The percentage will change whether you are filtering your Analytics view by a single Learner, a Cohort, a Course, or a Distribution.

How to Add a Learner Learner Sentiment to your Course

  1. Go to Courses and click Create New or choose an existing course to Edit

  2. Make sure you have at least one lesson in your Course Outline

  3. Click the “Add Content” Button

  4. Select Learner Sentiment from the dropdown menu. Once selected, the default starting point for Learner Sentiment Question will appear as below (and will be automatically inserted following the last Block previously created):

  5. Customize your Prompt and Response to your learners.

Note: Your prompt will be followed by the default text: Please reply with a number between 0 and 10.

(You do not need to include this verbiage in the customizable Prompt text box, and should bear this in mind when editing the default or custom-crafting your prompt verbiage) An example below shows how the Prompt is slightly adjusted in the voice of the Course-builder while maintaining the general structure provided. The Response to the learner is fully customizable.

What the Learner Receives as Final Prompt:

Please Reply with a number between 0 and 10. ❓Reply back: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this course?

Thats it! Now this survey will be added to your course and sent to learners who enroll in the future.

Note: The Learner Sentiment Question is always the final question of your final lesson. You can add as many questions as you want to your final lesson, just keep in mind that Learner Sentiment will be asked at the end.

How to Visualize Feedback from the Learner Sentiment Block

Prerequisites: You have created a course with an Learner Sentiment block as shown above. This course has been Published, and Learners have Enrolled in and Completed the Course.

  1. Navigate to the Analytics Tab.

  2. To view Overall Learner Sentiment (aggregate Learner Sentiment across all Courses which have it implemented), do not select any Course in the Course Dropdown Menu. Make sure to de-select any which may already be selected by clicking the x after the Course Title, or select 'Any' from the top of the menu.

  3. To view a Single Course’s Learner Sentiment, use the Course Dropdown Menu to Search and Select any Course with NPS Survey block implemented and view the updated value in "Learner Sentiment" card:

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