February 2023 Releases

Kyle Tan
Last Updated: 4 months ago

Date: Feb 13 - 24th, 2023


We trained the world’s best AI on the world’s best learning research. The result? Build high-impact microlearning in under 15 minutes, lightly edit, and launch via SMS, Slack, or Teams.

Sidekick is our AI-assisted course creation solution that allows Admins to simply enter a topic, a number of lessons, and, in minutes, Sidekick will churn out a complete course. The course can be downloaded as a PDF and accessed by Arist admins in their org. You can test out Sidekick here.

To get Beta access to use with your team, please reach out to your client success manager, and they can help you get set up.

To learn how to use Sidekick to drive optimal learning outcomes, head to this guide: arist.link/sidekick-guide.

Sunset Legacy Platform

Not too long ago, Arist released Arist 2.0, a product we are very proud of and a solution which is quickly growing every day. Up until now, it was running alongside our original platform, lovingly known as the Legacy Platform. This platform has served us well over the years, and it took us from a scrappy young startup to a major player in the Future of Learning, but the time has come for us to completely sunset this platform. After all, it deserves a rest.

Starting today, the Legacy Platform will no longer be available, and all Arist Users will have been migrated to our new platform, Arist.2.0

Sunsetting the Legacy Platform will afford us valuable time and resources to invest in our new platform.

Learner Sentiment Block

Admins can now measure Learner Sentiment within their course using a simple survey question. In the Course Builder, Admins can now add the Learner Sentiment Block to their courses. This feature will unlock new levels of visibility for Admins to understand and respond to their Learner’s needs.

The asks a 0-10 scale question mean to gauge the learners' overall satisfaction with their course experience.

Responses are recorded, averaged, and displayed in Analytics as Learner Sentiment.

Check out our help article to get started!

Ability to Anonymize PII

We have launched a new feature to Anonymize Learner PII in our UI. This is available to any Client upon request. Clients may submit requests for Anonymized PII to their CSM, after which their CSM can submit a Task ticket for our Engineering Team to un-gate the feature.

Progress Rate Updates

We now display learner progress as a simple Lesson count based on the number of lessons received by the learner (X/X Lessons). This can be viewed in the Learners Table on the Analytics Page

At a glance, Learner progress should be much clearer.

We also no longer show the progress percentage bar on the Courses and “Enrolled Through Cohorts” Tables on the Analytics Page.

This is just a small part of our efforts to improve Learning tracking, admin reporting, and success metrics. Stay tuned!

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