Key Definitions and Characteristics of Arist

Kyle Tan
Last Updated: 2 months ago

Key Definitions & Characteristics

  • Activation Message: The first message sent to participants once they are enrolled in the course.

  • Course: A series of lessons focused on building knowledge or skills.

  • Lesson: A lesson is 1 part of a course that consists of one lesson body and has questions attached to the lesson.

  • Nudge: A body of text that has no activation message and no questions attached.

  • Response to learner: A short body of text that comes after a participant’s response to a question.

  • Multiple-Choice Question: A question that consists of 4-7 possible options with 1 correct answer. Learners can only select one option.

  • Multi-select Multiple-Choice Question: A multiple-choice question that consists of 4-7 possible options with multiple correct options. Learners have to select all of the correct options to get the question correct.

  • Free-response Question: An open-ended question that requires a short written response.

  • Custom-rating Scale: A survey-style question used to measure degrees of opinion on a scale of 0-10 (0 being not at all, 10 being completely).

Arist Specific Question Types:

Confidence Lift: The confidence lift question block is added as the first question in the first lesson and the second to last question in the last lesson. Confidence lift measures the increase in confidence from the start to the end of the course. This data is shown as a percentage.

Learner Sentiment: The learner sentiment question block is the last question of the last lesson. Learner sentiment measures the learner’s satisfaction with the course on a scale of 0-10. This data is shown as a number between 0-10.

Character Counts:

Activation Message: 500 characters

Lesson body: 1200 characters

Questions: 300 characters

Question body and options: 300 characters

Response to learner: 800 characters

Multi-select multiple-choice questions: 260 characters in length.

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