How to add the Confidence Lift Survey in your Courses

Caleb Belanger
Last Updated: 9 months ago

Include a Confidence Lift Survey in your course to get quantitative insights on how well it is performing at increasing subject confidence

This article covers:

  • What is a Confidence Lift Survey?

  • How to Add a Confidence Lift Survey to your Course

  • How to Visualize the Feedback from the Confidence Lift Survey

What is a Confidence Lift Survey?

Arist Users and Course Creators can now include a Confidence Lift Survey to their Courses. Confidence Lift is a two part survey that calculates your Learner's confidence in the course subject. It consists of a Baseline 0-10 value collected at the beginning of your course, and a Follow-Up 0-10 value collected at the end.

These values are calculated to determine % change in your learners confidence from the beginning of a course to the end, where 0 indicates 0% confidence and 10 indicates 100% confidence. Our confidence lift formula is:

[(Second Response - First Response) / 10] x 100

For example:

At the beginning of a course, a learner responds they are a 5 on a scale from 0-10 in terms of their confidence in the subject matter. By the end of the course they respond that they are now a 10.

[(10-5) / 10] x 100

0.5 x 100

50% Confidence Lift

This survey type follows the best practices for measuring learner sentiment using confidence in course materials and readiness to apply learnings to their job!

How to Add a Confidence Lift Survey to your Course

  1. Go to Course Builder and click Create New or choose an existing course to Edit

  2. Create a New Lesson or make sure that you have at least 2 lessons in your existing Course Outline

  3. Click the “Add Block” Button

  4. Select Confidence Lift Survey from the dropdown menu

  5. Customize your Prompt and Response to your learners, but be sure to follow our suggested best practices in the default Prompt text for both the Baseline and Follow-up!

    Default Confidence Lift Starting Point (including positioning based on existing Block configuration):

    Example with Customizations while maintaining best practice verbiage:

    What the Learner receives for Baseline Prompt:

    How confident are you in Using Canva to Create Web Graphics at the moment? A higher number equates to stronger confidence.
    Please reply with a number between 0 and 10.

    What the Learner receives for Follow-up Prompt:

    Now that you've completed the course, how confident are you in your ability to utilize Canva to create web graphics and implement these in the course of your role and responsibilities? Remember: a higher number equates to stronger confidence.
    Please reply with a number between 0 and 10.

  6. Thats it! Now these questions will be added to your course and sent learners who enroll in the future.

Note: The Baseline Confidence Lift Question will always be asked as the first question of your first lesson. The Follow-Up Confidence Lift Question will always be asked as the last question of your last lesson. In that case it will be asked as the second to last question of your last lesson.

If you add Lessons to a course after having added/saved with Confidence Lift Question, the Baseline and Follow-Up Confidence Lift Questions will automatically re-order themselves as necessary.

This animation demonstrates that adding Confidence Lift Block automatically positions itself correctly in the sequence, that adding a new Lesson Block thereafter positions itself correct, and that Confidence Lift Block can only be used once in a given Course:

How to Visualize the Feedback from the Confidence Lift Survey

Pre-requisites: You have created a course with a Confidence Lift Survey block as shown above. This course has been Published, and Learners have Enrolled in and Completed the Course.

  1. Navigate to Analytics

  2. To view Overall Confidence Lift [aggregates Confidence Lift across all Courses which have it implemented], do not select any Course in the Course Dropdown Menu (de-select any which may already be selected by clicking the x after the Course Title, or select 'Any' from the top of the menu):

  3. To view a Single Course Confidence Lift, use the Course Dropdown Menu to Search and Select any Course with Confidence Lift Survey block implemented and view the updated value in "Confidence Lift" card:

Note: Confidence Lift will only be calculated if a learner responds to both the Baseline and Follow-up Prompts. If either are missing from the learners responses the Confidence lift will display as N/A for that learner and no value will count towards your overall Confidence Lift metric.

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