How to Submit a Support Ticket

Kyle Tan
Last Updated: 6 months ago

How to Submit a Support Ticket

This article outlines the best info to include when contacting our support team for help!

Arist Support is a team of tech wizards who are excited to help you have the best possible experience with our product. They have been known to work magic on a daily basis for our users and do so happily. However, they are not mind-readers, so they may need some help from you.

When contacting Arist Support, please include as much detail as possible about the issue you're experiencing.

In order for our team to troubleshoot issues effectively, please include the following information in your support requests. Feel free to copy and paste these templates into your emails to support.

For Course Delivery, Responses, and Enrollment issues:

You can copy this template and use it when emailing Support

Organization Name:

Name: (Your name and names of any Learners involved in your ticket)

Email: (Your email and emails of any Learners involved in your ticket)

Phone Number(s) used for Course Enrollment:

Classroom URL:

Course URL:

Delivery Method: (WhatsApp, SMS, Email, Slack, or Teams)

Description of Issue:

Attach any "full screen" screenshots that help clarify the issue you're experiencing. Screen capture videos are also helpful.

For General Usage Questions and other Issues:

Organization Name:

Name: (Your name and names of any Learners involved in your ticket)

User Email:

User Type: (Admin, Writer, Distributer, Analyst)

Tool: (My Courses, Admin Settings, Delivery, Learners, etc)

Description of Issue:

Attach any "full screen" screenshots that help clarify the issue you're experiencing. Screen capture videos are also helpful.

After you gather this information, feel free to send it to the team via! You can also CC: your Arist Account Manager so they can stay in the loop and help with any strategy questions.

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