We have built a secure Workday connector using Workato,* a third-party integration software that has a certified Workday integration.
This connection enables:
Selective Employee Data Sharing: Customize the employee data you wish to share with Arist, such as Employee ID, Title, Location, and other fields from Workday.
Automated Data Updates: The connector automatically updates Arist's user records based on specific events allowed: updated employee details, record creation, and employee terminations.c
Sharing Arist Engagement Data: When Arist enrollments complete, Arist can send enrollment completion data back to Workday.
Initial Employee Data Sync
Once you determine what data you wold like to share with Arist, you have two options for an initial import:
CSV Upload: Utilize Arist's application to upload a CSV file containing the initial employee data.
API Integration: Arist can make an API call to Workday API, using the credentials provided, to import existing data directly.
Auto Sync Employee Data with Workato Connector
Establish a Connection. This is the information (found in API Client settings) we need from you to establish an OAuth 2.0 connection:
Tenant ID
Client ID
Client Secret
Refresh Token
Authorization endpoint
Token endpoint
Build your Sync Plan. Once we establish a connection, the steps are as follows:
Define the Workday data fields you would like to have available in Arist, such as a User’s Workday Employee ID, Title, Location, etc.
Arist will work with you to build the syncing plan, or “recipe”, so that the Workday data fields you choose are correctly mapped into Arist data fields (Arist can handle any custom data fields too)
Turn on the “recipe” and perform the first sync
Confirm the sync plan meets your needs and expectations, adjust or add more data fields whenever needed
You’ll need to specify which user attributes are most relevant for your business triggers. Most common attributes include:
Unique ID
Hire date
Schedule/working hours (hourly/OTE employees)
Termination date
Job title
Manager UID
H1 (hierarchical group 1, top level)
H2 (hierarchical group 2)
H3 (hierarchical group 3)
H4 (hierarchical group 4)
Finally, a schedule-based feed is established which, when necessary, given a unique identifier (
):Creates a new user
Updates user attributes
Deactivates a user
Sharing Arist Engagement Data with Workday LMS
Arist provides client-specific endpoints that return JSON or .csv files, for easy sending back to your system of record, with the following fields:
External User ID
Learner Full Name
Learner Email
External Course ID
Course Name
Start Date
Completion Status
Completion Date
Learning Hours
Fields can be customized by customer, based on needs.
Typically, for an LMS to record a completion, a course object must exist within the LMS. Most clients follow this workflow:
As they publish a course in Arist, add a course with the appropriate CourseID in the LMS and mark this course as “private” so users cannot find the empty shell.
Once the course object exists, completions will be recorded against that CourseID.
* Workato is an iPaaS provider used by hundreds of leading organizations, including HP, GitLab, Nokia, Hubspot, Box, and more. Workato is built with enterprise security requirements in mind. No credentials are stored in the workato systems, and all data stored in workato is encryped at rest. This data includes job history and audit logs, but no actual data being shared through the connector. Learn more about Workato’s security here: https://docs.workato.com/security.html.
When possible we usually prefer an OAuth 2.0 REST API connection, using Workato (certified Workday integration partner). That would be the most automated with the least customization for us. And it's Workday certified, making it safe and easy to get sign-off approval for most teams. However, having said that, every situation is different and our real preference is just to get your Workday data that you need into Arist in whatever way is best for you. If you want to do OAuth 2.0 happy to do it, or if you want something else that is fine and we can start to scope it out on our end.