How to Handle Page Errors

Caleb Belanger
Last Updated: 1 month ago

What To Do When You Encounter A Page Error

Arist values your security and privacy above all else and, as a result, Arist is built to protect your Content and Learners. On occasion, this means our platform will throw a 500 error after you perform certain actions in the tool or try to navigate to a part of the platform that certain user permissions cannot access.

You'll see in the screenshot above that each Error will show a unique code to send to our support team. This code provides us a timestamp and unique ID code for your specific Error. Sending this to support will allow our team to pinpoint the exact cause of the error and we will give you steps to troubleshoot accordingly.

In the meantime, there are few things you can try when you encounter a Page Error:

  • Try Logging Out and Logging Back In, then perform the desire action again. If the error persists, click the support link and let us know. Be sure to include the timestamp and unique error code in your email, as well as a description of what you're trying to achieve in the tool.

  • Contact your Arist Admin, this is usually a member of your team, and see if they can upgrade your user permissions to access the necessary parts of our platform so you can get your work done. Many 500 errors are caused by invalid permissions issues.

  • Clear the cache in your browser, and try navigating to the page again. We recommend going to Get Started and navigating through your task as usual. If the 500 Error persists, please click the blue support link and let us know.

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