Connecting Arist to Teams

Caleb Belanger
Last Updated: 4 months ago

This document walks you through how to install the Arist Teams Bot to your Microsoft Teams group so you can push out Arist learning experiences to your employees on Teams.

The steps are as follows:-



Arist Owner

Customer Owner / Permissions needed


Determine which Team(s) we will install the Arist Bot in, based on audience we want to reach with Arist learning.

Customer Success Manager

Primary Arist Admin


Share Tenant ID with Arist (input in Arist application)

Customer Success Manager

Primary Arist Admin / Teams Administrator


Install the Arist Bot from the Microsoft 365 App Store, and make available to all users. Ensure permissions allow for Arist App Installation.

Customer Success Manager, Product Support Specialist

Global Teams Administrator


Add Arist Bot to additional Team(s), as desired and outlined in Step 1.

Customer Success Manager, Product Support Specialist

Teams Administrator


Confirm successful integration (check Cohort data)

Customer Success Manager, Product Support Specialist

Primary Arist Admin / Teams Administrator

Find detailed instructions for each step below.

Step 0: Permissions set up

Read through these instructions first, to ensure permissions are set up properly to allow for installing the Arist Teams Bot from the Microsoft App store.

Once you have properly set up permissions to allow for adding the Arist Teams Bot to your Team, proceed to the next five steps to complete your integration.

Step 1: Retrieve your Teams Tenant ID

First, go to the Team you want to enroll in Arist. Upon installation of the Arist Bot, all members of a team are automatically imported. We recommend creating a team including only the Learners you want to have in Arist.

Click the three dots next to your team name and choose 'Get link to Team'

The Tenant ID will be in the URL string after '&tenantID='

Copy this string of numbers and letters, then navigate to your Arist Org.

Step 2: Share Tenant ID with Arist

Go to Settings in your left navigation, then click the Integrations tab. From here, you can enter your Teams Tenant ID and click Save.

Step 3: Administrator checks installation permissions for your Teams Group

  1. Have an Administrator of your company's Microsoft office account will need to follow the steps in this Teams installation document.

  2. Once these steps are completed by an Admin, continue to Step 4 to install the bot to your desired Teams Group(s.)

Step 4: Add the Arist App to Individual Teams

  1. Select the Teams Group where you want to add the Arist App, then click the 3 Dots to the right of the teams group name. Then select Manage team:

2. Click on the Apps tab on the Manage Team screen:

3. Click More apps:

4. Search 'Arist' in the search bar in the top left corner of this page, then click on the card with the Arist logo and description:

5. A pop-up will appear with a detailed description and our permissions. Click the purple Add to a team button:

6. Your current team's group name will show on the next screen, ensure its correct and then click 'Set up bot'

7. Upon successful installation, the team's group members will receive a welcome message in the group chat for the team's group:

Step 5: Confirm successful installation

Confirm the installation by checking if the Teams users from that group were properly imported to Arist. How to do this:

  1. Go back to your Arist Dashboard and navigate to Cohorts in your left navigation.

  2. You will see a cohort with all members of your team's group. It will be named Teams Group: [Teams Group ID number]. Note: You can customize this by clicking the edit icon for the cohort and updating the name:

Congrats! You've now successfully installed the Arist Teams Bot and can now push out learning to your employees over Teams.




Arist Owner

Customer Owner / Permissions needed


Determine which Team(s) we will install the Arist Bot in, based on audience we want to reach with Arist learning.

Customer Success Manager

Primary Arist Admin


Share Tenant ID with Arist (input in Arist application)

Customer Success Manager

Primary Arist Admin / Teams Administrator


Install the Arist Bot from the Microsoft 365 App Store to make available to all users

Customer Success Manager, Product Support Specialist

Global Teams Administrator


Add Arist Bot to additional Team(s), as desired and outlined in Step 1.

Customer Success Manager, Product Support Specialist

Teams Administrator


Confirm successful integration (check Cohort data)

Customer Success Manager, Product Support Specialist

Primary Arist Admin / Teams Administrator

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